
Psychotherapy initially involves a thorough evaluation of an individuals current psychological and emotional state. This “evaluation takes place over the therapeutic relationship and continues to be developed. As you have known yourself for a long time, the provider is getting to know you and discovering information that may be essential in undercovering new ways of thinking about life, as well as interventions to manage current life situations. As the relationship progresses, a tailored treatment plan incorporating a variety of therapeutic interventions will be utilized and may include:

  • Guided Meditations to promote relaxation and self-awareness

  • Biofeedback for enhancing physical awareness and managing stress

  • Physical Movement to foster emotional and physical well-being

  • Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction to cultivate present-moment awareness and resilience

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to challenge negative thought patterns and encourage positive change

Together, these therapeutic modalities work to support your journey and enhance overall well-being.